发布日期 :2017-08-07 14:17访问:4次发布IP:编号:4487733
详细介绍 单色正压清洗系统 生产模式高达112㎡/小时 高精度的打印品质 松下交流伺服电机 single color positive cleaning productiong mode up to120sqm/h high resolution printing quality Panasonic AC servo motor 1.松下大功率交流伺服电机,寿命长,精度高,响应快,是设备稳定工作的基础。 Panasonic servo motor system .with long life. high accuracy. and quick response. 2.单色正压清洗系统,减少墨水损耗减低用户成本费用。 Single color positive flush.which save ink and reduces the cost of production. 3.超宽平台设计,兼容多喷头安装,升级方便简单。 With over wide print platform design ,the equip with machine multiple print head installation. 4.LED打印及清洗照明,免维护,使用寿命长,功率低,方便查看打印及喷头状态。 LED lighting systen brings more convenience during printing and on pringthead status suspect. 5.介质吸附力可调,各种不同厚度的介质均可被吸附于打印平台上,减少喷头擦伤。 The power of media vacuum can be adjusted which avoids printhead scratching with media. 6.打印时可随时调整布进量及双向值,不需要单独调整,提高工作效率。 The value of step and bi-direcion can be adjusted during printinig. 7.自动检测喷头温度,并调整电压,提高喷头工作稳定性。 Printhead temperature can be automatically detected by a device, it will adjust the printhead voltage accordingly which ensures printhead in a good performance 相关产品 主营产品:喷绘机写真机 相关分类 |
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